السلام عليكم ورحمه الله تعالى وبركاته
انا طالبة 1 ثانوية — علمي —
اريد المساعدة .. خاصة الذين يعرفون اللغة الانجليزية
اريد فقرة قصيرة جدا عن التلوث ( Pollution )
تحتوي الفقرة على
– انواع التلوث مثل air – warter – earth …. –
– الاسباب مثل مصانع السيارات و تسرب النفايات وضجيج السيارات و تسرب النفط ………
– النتائج مثل تخرب الغابات و امطار حمضية و سرطان الجلد والرئتين ………
– والحلول مثل اعادة تصنع النفايات و استعمال طاقة بديلة و حماية الحيوانات ……
أرجوكم اريدها في اقرب وقت
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أين انتم ؟؟؟
10 مشاهدااااااااااااااات
Pollution is the introduction of pollutants into the environment caused by instability and turmoil, or damage to the ecosystem of any physical systems for objects Alehihwaltlut could take the form of chemicals, or energy, such as noise, heat or light energy. May be contaminants, and the elements of pollution materials or external power sources, or may occur naturally. When a naturally occurring, are considered contaminants when Aonha exceed natural levels. Pollution is often classified into two types; point source pollution or contamination is not a point source. Blacksmith Institute issued a list of the most polluted places in the world.
اتمنى ان افيدك بهذا
pollution is the introduction of pollutants into the environment caused by instability and turmoil, or damage to the ecosystem of any physical systems for objects alehihwaltlut could take the form of chemicals, or energy, such as noise, heat or light energy. May be contaminants, and the elements of pollution materials or external power sources, or may occur naturally. When a naturally occurring, are considered contaminants when aonha exceed natural levels. Pollution is often classified into two types; point source pollution or contamination is not a point source. Blacksmith institute issued a list of the most polluted places in the world. اتمنى ان افيدك بهذا |
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