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English Exam 2as 2024.

الجمهوريــة الجزائريـــة الديـمقراطية الشعبيــة
وزارة التربـيـة الوطـنـيـة

Level : 2nd Year – ES/ Mat Duration : 2 Hours Date : Tuesday, March 03rd, 2024

PART ONE: Reading and Interpreting (15points)
Chemical reactions happen around us all the time. Some happen all by themselves like photosynthesis, *****ng food and burning fuel. A chemical reaction is a process when one or more substances are changed into other substances. How do they happen. It all can be explained by atoms. How do they happen?
Electrons surround the nucleus of an atom in layers called ****ls. The first ****l, closest to the nucleus, is full with only two electrons. The second ****l is full with eight electrons, and the third ****l will also hold eight electrons. For the most stable atom, the outer ****l needs to be full of electrons. To get a full ****l, atoms will take or give up electrons to other atoms or share electrons with another atom. When this happens, a chemical reaction has taken place and a chemical bond has formed.
To better understand this, let’s look at the sodium atom. Sodium has eleven electrons. Its first ****l is full with two electrons, and its second ****l is full with eight more electrons, making ten electrons. But since sodium has eleven electrons, it has one all alone in the third ****l. To become more stable, sodium will easily give up that one electron so it will have a full ****l. The extra electron will go to another atom that needs one electron to have a full ****l.
(Adapted from https://edhelper.com/ReadingComprehension_37_152.html)
1. The text is : a- narrative b- expository d- argumentative (01 PT)
2. The appropriate title to this text is : (01 PT)
a. Electrons and Atoms b- How do Chemical Reactions happen ? c. Sodium reactions .
3. Say whether the following statements are true , false or not mentioned (02 pts)
a. Chemical reactions may happen spontaneously .
b. Plants use photosynthesis to chemically change energy from the sun into sugar.
c. Taking or leaving electrons lead to new substances.
d. The sodium has eleven electrons, three ones are in the third ****l.
4- Answer the following questions according to the text. (03 PTS)
a. What is a ****l ?
b. How does s a chemical reaction happen ? ( be brief )
c. How many electrons does sodium have ?

1. Find in the text the words whose definitions follow (1 PT)

a. encircled = (§2 ) b. stop (§2 )

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2- Find in the text words opposite in meaning to : (01 PT)
a. worse ≠ (§3 ) ………… b. empty ≠ (§3 ) ………
3. Put the verbs between brackets into the correct from. (1.5 PTS)
• If you (mix) oxygen with hydrogen, you ( get ) water.
• What (happen) to you if you ( put ) sodium on the tip of your tongue ?
• Take it for granted that I ( call) you if I ( fly ) to Egypt tomorrow..

4. Fill each gap with one of the following words : (2 PTS)
kinds – mix – element – Reaction
A chemical …… can happen when you…….… two or more chemical elements together. A chemical …….is made of only one kind of atom. There are more than 100 different …….…….of atoms. Atoms are much too small to see.

5. Mark the stress on the following words : (1.5 PTS)
Chemical – Chemistry – Astrology – Etymology – etymological – photosynthesis

PART TWO (05 points)
Choose one of the following topics

Topic 01: your school life is full of scientific experiments . In no more than 15 lines, tell us about an experiment you did or saw .
Use the following points :
– Introduce the experiment / observation
– Your hypothesis
– Describe the experiment
– Your achievement .
Topic 02:
Suppose that you were in a dilemma. In no more than 15 lines , write a letter to an agony aunt; in which you seek for help.
Use the following notes:
– Introduce yourself : name / age/ occupation.
– Introduce your problem.
– State your difficulties and situations .
.Your teachers of English ********

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