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bac blanc astronomy

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الجمهــوريـة الجــزائــريــة الديمـوقــراطيـة الشـعبيـــة امتحـان بكالوريا التجريبي دورة ماي 2024 اختبار في مـــادة الإنجليزية الموضوع الثاني
Part One: Reading a) Comprehension
Read the text carefully then do the activities.

Mission to Venus or to Hell ?(An article by Michael Hanlon)

Until recently, most astronomers thought Venus was very like Earth. It is a planet roughly the same size – merely a couple of hundred miles less in diameter I with pretty much the same material. The two planets are assumed to be the same age, and both. have thick, cloudy atmospheres.
For a long time, Venus was supposed to be covered with swamps and forests. Indeed, the first. Russian probes which were sent to the planet were designed with much of these beliefs in mind. Because it was thought that much of the surface might be covered with deep, carbonated oceans, the probes were designed to float.
No swamps, no oceans, no dinosaurs. Instead, a crushing, toxic, carbon dioxide atmosphere so thick that a man suitably protected, could strap in some stubby wings and fly in it with ease.
The question is: why is Venus awful? Hopefully the unmanned craft that pill arrive next year and spend 500 days orbiting the planet and probing its atmosphere, will find out.
Three million years ago, Venus may indeed have been much more like the Earth – with oceans and even life. Those seas have long since boiled away and any life will exist as fossils in the oven-baked Venusian rocks.
Despite the "greenhouse effect" fears of some environmentalists over the use of fossil fuels, it is unlikely that Earth will turn into a Venus even if we burn every gallon of oil in Arabia. But understanding just how Venus became the place it is – in effect an Earth that went horribly ‘wrong’ – will help scientists understand climate change on Earth.
(From Daily Mail, Monday, November 7, 2024, p. 15)
1- The text is about :
a- Our planet and Venus.
b- The solar system.
2/ Are the following statements true or false?
a- Some astronomers thought that Venus was unlike Earth with different size and material.
b- Venus was supposed to be covered with soft wet lands and forests.
c- Venus may really have been similar to our planet 3 million years ago.
d- Even if life we burn every gallon of oil, it is likely that Earth will turn to Venus.
3/ Answer the following questions according to the text.
a- How did most astronomers think about Earth and Venus?
b- Explain the first Russian probes which were sent to the planet?
c- Pick out from the text 2 sentences expressing similarity and two others expressing difference.
comparison Sentences
– Similarity – ……………………
– ……………………
– Difference – …………………….
– …………………….
4/ Find in the text the words whose definitions follow
a- Animals or plants that lived thousands years ago and turned to rocks . §5
b- Areas of soft and wet lands .§2
c- Very bad or unpleasant. §4
Part two : Text Exploration
1/ Fill in the table with the missing word category
Nouns Verbs Adjectives
………………………. Assume
…………………… ……………………
2/ spot the mistake and correct it.
a- Astronomers are thinking that Venus is like Earth.
b- Scientists are understanding the effects of climate change on Earth.
3/ Give the comparative and the superlative forms of these adjectives.
Much- wet- unpleasant- -wide
4/ Rewrite sentence b so that it means the same as the one given
a- “ Life will exist only on Earth” specialists said.
b- Specialists said ………………………………..
a- The surface might be covered by oceans.
b- Oceans …………………………………………
5/ Give the plural form of these words.
Life- Crisis- size- Path-

PART TWO: Written Expression
Choose one of the following topics.
Topic 1: Do you think that life is possible in Venus or any other planet? Explain..
Topic 2: What would happen if a comet collided our planet?


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