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السلام عليكم و رحمة الله تعالى و بركاته

انا احتاج فقرات اللغة الانجليزية لوحدة ethics
safety first

و جزاكم الله خيرا

What would u do to fight corruption if you were elected mayor of your town ? ( fighting fraud and corruption)
Dear fellow citizens,
Corruption is an evil that must be fought now! In order to win this fight I urge all people of good will to unite around me.
If I were elected Head of State, I would implement the following anti-corruption programme. To begin with, I would appoint dedicated civil servants who would work honestly for the country: stealing money or accepting a bribe in exchange for a service is unethical and illegal. Next, I would pass stringent laws to protect citizens and punish embezzling and bribe-taking. I cannot tolerate that honest citizens be the victims of corrupt civil servants.
I would also fight tax evasion and capital flight. Those who earn a lot of money must pay their taxes and contribute to the development of the country. Therefore any tax evader would be severely punished by specially appointed tribunals.
Finally, I would rehabilitate the value of work. Mutual trust is a moral value that we should teach our children from infancy. A little money earned honestly brings a lot of happiness and peace of mind.
To conclude, I couldtell you, fellow countrymen that your
role as citizens is indispensable to fight corruption. No government can succeed without the help of civil society. Therefore, I urge you again to gather around me to win this decisive battle. Vote for honesty ! Vote for me!
Imitations (write an opinion article about counterfeiting disadvantages)
Some people argue that counterfeiting benefits consumers by giving them access to lower-price goods. This is a totally mistaken claim. First, imitated goods are poor quality and do not last long. There is then no guarantee of value for money and more importantly, that fake goods are safe. Imagine how much damage low quality parts fitted in a car can do to the driver and passengers when they fail!
Secondly, if we think of fake foods or medicines, and the criminal procedures used by the people who make them, we can only remain firm on buying genuine products. There are several cases of substitute edibles which have caused dangerous diseases to people and which have resulted in long-lasting law suits. The outcomes could only becompensations paid for irreparable damage but the moral damage caused to the victims can never be repaired! Recent figures released by the European Union show that the customs are confiscating 100 million fake items every year.
Thirdly, it is highly immoral to reap where other people have sown. Pirating products is indeed imitating other people’s property, and refusing to engage in a creative act. It is much more rewarding to turn one’s abilities to creating new objects of value that could serve the community, or improve the performance of existing ones.
Fourthly, pirating objects is by essence theft, especially when the producer of a fake item affixes the label of a well-known trade mark on it. Some countries are notorious for their practice of counterfeit objects. One wouldn’t like Algerians to be known for practising this dubious trade, as much as one wouldn’t like to see them buy cheap, fake products and head into unsuspected troubles.
Ethics is principles and moral values. it’s also ethics is the set of moral rules that the professionals in any field are expected to respect when they deal either with each other or with the public. in business, ethics represents the attitudes that individuals and firms should comply with in the actions they perform and the decisions they take at every level of their realizations. Such a philosophy does not exist everywhere because it needs the existence of important conditions to apply it.
in societies where both political and cultural conditions exist for making everyone obey this practice, the main principles that those engaged in the economic branches should follow involve a good number of the qualities that have always served as the basis for civilization. Among them we find the obligation to be honest and lawful in one’s activities.
In general, corruption leads to harm the public interest and reflect the phenomenon of corruption, a set of behaviors (bribery, nepotism … .. Paloasitp extortion … … .. smuggling looted public money and …).. There are many reasons behind the emergence of the phenomenon of corruption and spread in the community although there is almost unanimous on the fact that this phenomenon of human behavior, negative driven by self-interest and corruption leads to the loosening of moral values and to the frustration and the spread of indifference and passivity among the members of the community, and the rise of intolerance and extremism in views and the spread of crime as a reaction The collapse of values and lack of equal opportunities. In view of what can be inflicted by corruption of the damage is not at the local level but also at the international level, especially in light of the trend towards free trade and free competition requires all of us try to control but seems that the rampant corruption that fits many parts of the strata of society, even the citizen a free fair may bribing or Smuggled when needy, although it has long complained of corruption and its effects, then we are in a vicious circle not resolve it, but that one come back to the teachings of our religion by telling us altruism, integrity, honesty and sincerity and conviction, but it is impossible not all what he loves to realize.الاستماعقراءة صوتية للكلمات

القاموس – ط¹ط±ط¶ ط§ظ„ظ‚ط§ظ…ظˆط³ ط§ظ„ظ…ظپطµظ„

bribery is the crime of giving or receiving something of value to influence official action. both the person giving and receiving the bribe are guilty of bribery.

bribery is illegal for two reasons: firstly, it usually involves a public official using his or her office for personal gain. Secondly, it can cause officials to make unfair decisions that affect citizens.
Bribery is a very old crime. There is evidence of bribery dating back more than 4,000 years. Usually, a person who bribes a public official is paying to get special treatment. this special treatment can come in many forms .for example ,a company might bribe an official to win a government contract .bribing a public official is the most common type of bribery. in the united states, officials convicted of bribery may be fined, removed from office, and sent to prison for up to 20 years.
Commercial bribery, the bribery of owners or employees of private companies, is also illegal in many places, but it is less commonly punished. No one knows how often people commit bribery, but many experts believe that most people who bribe officials are never caught.
Bribery is most common in some countries or parts of countries than in others.
Many countries have made it illegal to bribe officials from other countries
food safety
Food safety has become one of the major worries for mankind. This worry has three major sources: the chemical contamination of agricultural products, the use of additives, preservatives and colourings in a large number of food products and the consumption of ready-made food.
Perhaps the first cause for worry about food safety is the highly intensive mode of farming and agribusiness now prevailing in industrialised countries. This has led big companies to use chemicals, fertilisers and pesticides to ensure maximum output. As a result, fruits and vegetables are contaminated by chemicals which may prove harmful to our health.
The second cause for concern is again related to mass production, and the need to keep products fresh and attractive. Consumer requirements have led manufacturers to introduce colourings, additives and preservatives. Some of them have been suspected of being dangerous while others have definitely been classified as harmful by independent research laboratories. Scientists maintain that some colourings and sugar substitutes can cause cancer, diabetes and other ****bolic disorders.
Finally, fast food and ready-made meals have led people to take undesirable eating habits, like nibbling at work or at home, or having frequent snacks in front of the computer or the TV set. More worrying is the fact that the younger generation are the most prone to consume fast food and soft drinks. These eating habits, as shown in “advanced” countries especially, have caused a large part of the population to become overweight or obese, and to develop diseases like diabetes or high blood pressure. These are due to an excess consumption of animal fat and fried food, as well as sugar and salt.
In conclusion, the conjunction of contaminated agricultural products, processed foods and poor eating habits is indeed a good reason to worry about food safety and to take corrective measures to change or improve our attitudes to eating.

بارك الله فيك

و فيك بركة

chahinez amnn

have u a paragraph wich talk about child labour ?


Write a composition on child labour.

Typical Essay:

Any child under the age specified by law worldwide works full time, mentally or physically to earn for own survival or adding to family income, that interrupts childs social development and education is called child labour. It is any kind of work children are made to do that harms or exploits them physically, mentally, morally, or by preventing access to education.

However, one must also understand that all work is not bad or exploitive for children. In fact, certain jobs help in enhancing the overall personality of the child. For instance, children delivering newspapers prior to going to school. Or then children taking up light summer jobs that do not interfere with their school timings. When they are given pocket money earning oriented tasks, they understand the value of money, as well as respect it even more.

While this are the positive aspects of tasks and working, the actual universal problem of child labour is the exploitive and dangerous work and working conditions children are put through. For instance, in north India young children, below the age of 14 are made to work in the carpet industry. Their delicate fingers create the world’s finest and most expensive carpets. The children are working twelve to fourteen hours a day. Many lose their fingers. Some are starved. And a number die each year because of the torturous circumstances under which they are made to work.

This is a crime. There have been instances of so-called decent middle class, as well as upper-class people employing young children as domestic helpers. But, they are not working as helpers, but bonded labour. They are made slaves. Frightening stories of how they have been physically tortured are printed in the daily newspapers. And in spite of stringent action being taken against such employers, the problem continues

if you need anything tell mee and i will help you in shaa allah

thank u
god bless u sister

and if u need anything in mathemeatic i’ll help u

thank’s brother
and good luck

u r welcome =)

great الجيريا مشكورين

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