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مشروع اللغة الانجليزية Report بلييييز

السلام على اخواني الاعزاءالجيريا

اريد منكم طلباا واحداا
اريد منكم مشروع اللغة الانجليزية الذي يتحدث عن Report about TV or PC or NewsPaper بليز لا تبخلوني الجيريا

و الله غي عندي بصح مانيش عارفه كي نحطو لك هنا

– Put a cross in the appropriate box: Male Female
– Answer the following questions:
1- Do you like reading newspapers?
2- How often do you read newspapers?
3- What type of newspapers do you prefer reading?
4- Say why?
5- What’s your favorite newspaper?
6- Say why?
7- Which one of newspapers’ pages you like reading the most?
8- In your opinion, what pages are lacking the enough attention in our newspapers?



I read the newspaper on a daily basis.


What type of newspapers do you prefer reading?


Well, I prefer reading daily newspapers when I’m on my way to work.


Can you tell me why do you like reading this kind of newspapers?


Because they contain numerous subjects; those are what I need in the early
hours of the day.


I see. What’s your favorite newspaper?


My favorite newspaper is ”Echorouk”.




”Echorouk” is a serious newspaper, it’s objective and tells reliable information.


Ok. Thanks. My next question is which pages you like reading the most?


Well, I like reading global news pages.


Fine, what pages do you think are lacking the enough attention in our


Well, to be honest. I think it’s the cultural pages; they barely exist.


Thank you very much for answering my questions. Goodbye.


you’re welcome. Goodbye.

Newspaper reading habits questionnaire results

Number of informants: 40 Age: 18 – 40.

Male Female


: Yes (20) Q: Yes (20)


: Every day (12) Sometimes (8) Q: Every day (10) Sometimes (10)


: Daily (14) – Weekly (6) Q: Daily (15) – Weekly (5)


: Variety in the news (14) – Sports’ news(4) – Q: Variety in the news (10) – Entertainment
Religious knowledge (2) news (8) – Religious Knowledge (2)


: Echorouk (9) – El khabar (5) Iqraa (2) – Q: Echorouk (15) – Panorama (3) –
Elhaddafe (4) Iqraa (2)


: Objectivity (10) – reliable information (10) Q: Objectivity (10) – reliable information (10)


: Global politics (14) Sport pages (4) – Q: Global politics (10) – Entertainment
Religious pages (2) news (8) – Religious pages (2)


: cultural pages (20) Q: cultural pages (20)


I questioned forty male and female between 18 and 40 to know why they read the
newspapers. When I asked them if they read newspapers, all the informants said they did. I
asked them how often did they read newspapers, twenty two said that they read newspapers
everyday, while eighteen of them told me they read newspapers from time to time. When I
asked them what type of newspapers they preferred, twenty nine said they liked daily
newspapers, eleven of them said they liked weekly newspapers. I asked them why, twenty four
told me that it was because of the variety in news, eight of them said that entertainment news
was the reason, four said it was the sports news, while four of them said religious knowledge
was the factor. When I asked them what their favorite newspaper was, twenty four told me that
it was "Echorouk", five said that it was "El khabar", while four of them said that it was
"Elhaddafe", three told me that it was "Panorama", four of them told me that it was "Iqraa ".
When I asked them why, twenty of the informants said that the reason for their choice was the
objectivity, while twenty told me that it was because of the reliable information. I asked them
which pages they liked reading the most, twenty four said that it was the global political pages,
eight said that it was the entertainment news pages, four of them told me that it was the sports
news pages, while four said that it was the religious pages. When I asked them what pages did
they think are lacking the enough attention in our newspapers, all the informants told me that it
was the cultural pages.
Surprisingly, my survey showed that most of the readers prefer serious and honest
newspapers. I also found that "Echorouk" is the most popular daily newspaper among both male
and female readers. My survey also showed that culture is a subject that needs more attention.

ساااااااعديني كيما ساعدتك انا باغيا تاع ال sport

لم افهم طلبك بالضبط

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة maram 14 الجيريا

– put a cross in the appropriate box: Male female
– answer the following questions:
1- do you like reading newspapers?
2- how often do you read newspapers?
3- what type of newspapers do you prefer reading?
4- say why?
5- what’s your favorite newspaper?
6- say why?
7- which one of newspapers’ pages you like reading the most?
8- in your opinion, what pages are lacking the enough attention in our newspapers?



i read the newspaper on a daily basis.


what type of newspapers do you prefer reading?


well, i prefer reading daily newspapers when i’m on my way to work.


can you tell me why do you like reading this kind of newspapers?


because they contain numerous subjects; those are what i need in the early
hours of the day.


i see. What’s your favorite newspaper?


my favorite newspaper is ”echorouk”.




”echorouk” is a serious newspaper, it’s objective and tells reliable information.


ok. Thanks. My next question is which pages you like reading the most?


well, i like reading global news pages.


fine, what pages do you think are lacking the enough attention in our


well, to be honest. I think it’s the cultural pages; they barely exist.


thank you very much for answering my questions. Goodbye.


you’re welcome. Goodbye.

newspaper reading habits questionnaire results

number of informants: 40 age: 18 – 40.

male female


: yes (20) q: yes (20)


: every day (12) sometimes (8) q: every day (10) sometimes (10)


: daily (14) – weekly (6) q: daily (15) – weekly (5)


: variety in the news (14) – sports’ news(4) – q: variety in the news (10) – entertainment
religious knowledge (2) news (8) – religious knowledge (2)


: echorouk (9) – el khabar (5) iqraa (2) – q: echorouk (15) – panorama (3) –
elhaddafe (4) iqraa (2)


: objectivity (10) – reliable information (10) q: objectivity (10) – reliable information (10)


: global politics (14) sport pages (4) – q: global politics (10) – entertainment
religious pages (2) news (8) – religious pages (2)


: cultural pages (20) q: cultural pages (20)


i questioned forty male and female between 18 and 40 to know why they read the
newspapers. When i asked them if they read newspapers, all the informants said they did. I
asked them how often did they read newspapers, twenty two said that they read newspapers
everyday, while eighteen of them told me they read newspapers from time to time. When i
asked them what type of newspapers they preferred, twenty nine said they liked daily
newspapers, eleven of them said they liked weekly newspapers. I asked them why, twenty four
told me that it was because of the variety in news, eight of them said that entertainment news
was the reason, four said it was the sports news, while four of them said religious knowledge
was the factor. When i asked them what their favorite newspaper was, twenty four told me that
it was "echorouk", five said that it was "el khabar", while four of them said that it was
"elhaddafe", three told me that it was "panorama", four of them told me that it was "iqraa ".
When i asked them why, twenty of the informants said that the reason for their choice was the
objectivity, while twenty told me that it was because of the reliable information. I asked them
which pages they liked reading the most, twenty four said that it was the global political pages,
eight said that it was the entertainment news pages, four of them told me that it was the sports
news pages, while four said that it was the religious pages. When i asked them what pages did
they think are lacking the enough attention in our newspapers, all the informants told me that it
was the cultural pages.
Surprisingly, my survey showed that most of the readers prefer serious and honest
newspapers. I also found that "echorouk" is the most popular daily newspaper among both male
and female readers. My survey also showed that culture is a subject that needs more attention.

ساااااااعديني كيما ساعدتك انا باغيا تاع ال sport

يا اختي و الله ما عندي غير سمحيلي بصح نحوسلك في النت و نقولك


ya okht Maram 14 chofi wech kayen f hadek li ktabtih w badli li 3la news paper badlih bhwayej 3la sport W ana na9der n3awnek belfi9ra w lba9i 3lik ok!! w kayen f lkteb p85 w ila sha9iti lfi9ra 9olili dork nab3athalek okالجيريا


ران مسحاقو على التلفزيون أرجووووووووووووووووكم

ران مسحاقو على التلفزيون أرجووووووووووووووووكم

………………………………………….. …

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة zoubidaas الجيريا


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