السلام عليكم
أريد آخر 10 أشخاص حصلوا على جائزة نوبل لسلام
في العشر سنوات الأخيرة 2024-2015
ومن الأفضل أن يكونوا عرب
و قائمة 10 من الأشخاص المرشحين لنيل الجائزة عام 2024
المطلوب :
– الصورة
– الإسم الكامل
– الجنسية
– المهنة
– المجال
– العمل الذي قام به
وكل هذا باللغة الإنجليزية
وشكرآآ ♥
mm ana nhawess 3lih idha lghito gholi khyouu
السلام عليكم
أريد آخر 10 أشخاص حصلوا على جائزة نوبل لسلام في العشر سنوات الأخيرة 2024-2015 ومن الأفضل أن يكونوا عرب و قائمة 10 من الأشخاص المرشحين لنيل الجائزة عام 2024 المطلوب : – الصورة – الإسم الكامل – الجنسية – المهنة – المجال – العمل الذي قام به وشكرآآ ♥ |
في الفيزياء
- أليكسيي أليكسييفتش أبريكوسوف من روسيا.
- فيتالي غينزبورغ من روسيا.
- أنطوني ليجت من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية.
- دايفيد غروس من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية.
- هيو دايفيد بولتيزر من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية.
- فرانك ويلكزك من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية.
- جون هول من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية – 25% من الجائزة.
- روي غلبور من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية – 25% من الجائزة.
- ثيودور هينش من ألمانيا – 50% من الجائزة.
- جون ماذر من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
- جورج سموت من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
- البرت فير من فرنسا
- بيتر غرونبيرغ من ألمانيا
- يويتشيرو نامبو من اليابان
- ماكوتو كوباياشي من اليابان
- توشيهيده ماساكاوا من اليابان
- تشارلز كاو من الولايات المتحدة.
- ويلارد بويل من الولايات المتحدة.
- جورج سميث من الولايات المتحدة.
- 2017 شيرين عبادي (إيران)
- 2017 ونجاري ماتاي (كينيا)
- 2017 محمد البرادعي والوكالة الدولية للطاقة الذرية
- 2017 محمد يونس وبنك جرامين
- 2017 مناصفه بين آل غور لمكافحته الإحتباس الحراري واللجنة الدولية للتغيرات المناخية.
- 2017 مارتي اهتيساري.
- 2017 باراك حسين أوباما الرئيس الرابع والأربعون للولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
- 2016 لياو تشياوبو وهو مناضل حقوقي صيني ، وقد حصل على الجائزة وذلك لجهوده الدائمة والغير عنيفة في الدفاع عن حقوق الإنسان في الصين.
- 2016 مناصفه بين توكل كرمان من اليمن وألين جونسون سيرليف و ليما غبويي الإثنتان من ليبيريا ، وقد قال رئيس لجنة نوبل النرويجية توربيورن ياجلاند للصحفيين "تذهب جائزة نوبل للسلام لعام 2024 بالتساوي إلى ألين جونسون سيرليف وليما جبووي وتوكل كرمان لكفاحهن السلمي من أجل سلامة النساء وحقوقهن في المشاركة في الكاملة في أعمال تحقيق السلام".
- 2017 – روبرت آنجل Robert F. Engle III (الولايات المتحدة) وكليف غرانجر Clive W.J. Granger (المملكة المتحدة)
- 2017 -فين كيدلاند Finn E. Kydland (النرويج) وإدوارد بريسكوت Edward C. Prescott (الولايات المتحدة)
- 2017 – روبرت أومان Robert J. Aumann (إسرائيل) وتوماس شيلينغ Thomas C. Schelling (الولايات المتحدة)
- 2017 – إدموند فيليبس Edmund S. Phelps (الولايات المتحدة)
- 2017 – روجر ميرسون (الولايات المتحدة) وإيريك ماسكين (الولايات المتحدة) وليونيد هورفيتش
- 2017 – بول كروغمان Paul Krogman (الولايات المتحدة)
- 2017 – أوليفر وليامسون (الولايات المتحدة) وإلينور أوستروم (الولايات المتحدة)
- 2016 – بيتر دايموند (الولايات المتحدة) وديل مورتنسن (الولايات المتحدة) وكريستوفر بيساريدس (المملكة المتحدة)
– عشاق السيارات حول العالم على موعد مع الإثارة و التشويق مع قيام أكثر من 58 خبير ينتمون لـ 22 دولة أوروبية بإزاحة الستار عن السيارات المرشحة بقوة لنيل جائزة السيارة الأفضل في العالم لعام 2024.
كل سيارة مرشحة في تلك القائمة لابد لها من التواجد التجاري في خمسة دول أوروبية على الأققل أثناء أو قبل نهاية العام الحالي، مع بيع 5000 وحدة سنويا على الأقل.
تلك القائمة المكونة من 30 سيارة مرشحة سيتم تصفيتها إلى سبعة مرشحين فقط منتصف ديسمبر المقبل، قبل أن يتم الإعلان عن السيارة الفائزة كالمعتاد ضمن فعاليات الدورة المقبلة من معرض جنيف الدولي للسيارات يوم الثالث من شهر مارس 2024.
القائمة المبدئية للمرشحين لنيل جائزة سيارة العام في 2024:
– BMW الفئة الرابعة كوبيه.
– BMW آى 3.
– BMW X5.
– ستروين C4 بيكاسو.
– فورد إيكوسبورت.
– فورد كوجا.
– هيونداي i10.
– جاجوار F-Type.
– كيا كارينز.
– رينج روفر سبورت.
– لكزس IS.
– مازيراتي جيبلي.
– مازدا 3.
– مرسيدس-بنز S-Class.
– ميتسوبيشي سبيس ستار.
– نيسان نوت.
– أوبل كاسكادا.
– بيجو 2024.
– بيجو 308.
– بورشه كايمان.
– رينو كابتشر.
– رينو زوي.
– سيات ليون.
– سكودا أوكتافيا.
– سوبارو فوريستر.
– سوزوكي SX4.
– تسلا Model S.
– تويوتا أوريس.
– تويوتا كورولا.
– تويوتا راف4.
2017 Ebadi.jpg Shirin Ebadi Iran "for her efforts for democracy and human rights. She has focused especially on the struggle for the rights of women and children."[102]
2024 Wangari Maathai in Nairobi.jpg Wangari Muta Maathai Kenya "for her contribution to sustainable development, democracy and peace"[103]
2024 Flag of IAEA.svg International Atomic Energy Agency United Nations "for their efforts to prevent nuclear energy from being used for military purposes and to ensure that nuclear energy for peaceful purposes is used in the safest possible way"[104]
Mohamed ElBaradei.jpg Mohamed ElBaradei Egypt
2024 Grameen Yunus Dec 04.jpg Muhammad Yunus Bangladesh "for advancing economic and social opportunities for the poor, especially women, through their pioneering microcredit work"[105]
Peace sign.svg Grameen Bank
2024 Flag of the World Meteorological Organization.svg Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change United Nations "for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change"[106]
Al Gore.jpg Al Gore United States
2024 Martti Ahtisaari.jpg Martti Ahtisaari Finland "for his efforts on several continents and over more than three decades, to resolve international conflicts"[107]
2024 Official portrait of Barack Obama.jpg Barack Obama United States "for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples."[108]
2024 Liu xiaobo.jpg Liu Xiaobo[G] China "for his long and non-violent struggle for fundamental human rights in China"[109]
2024 Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, April 2024.jpg Ellen Johnson Sirleaf Liberia "for their non-violent struggle for the safety of women and for women’s rights to full participation in peace-building work"[110]
Leymah-gbowee-at-emu-press-conference.jpg Leymah Gbowee
Tawakkul Karman (2016).jpg Tawakkul Karman Yemen
2024 Flag of Europe.svg European Union (EU) Europe "for [having] over six decades contributed to the advancement of peace and reconciliation, democracy and human rights in Europe."[111]
2024 HQ of OPCW in The Hague.jpg Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons International "for its extensive efforts to eliminate chemical weapons."[5]
ارججججججججججججججججججججججججوكم اريد البمرشحين العشرة لنيل جائزة نوبل لعام2015
Alfred Nobel was born on 21 October 1833 in Stockholm, Sweden, into a family of engineers.[6] He was a chemist, engineer, and inventor. In 1894, Nobel purchased the Bofors iron and steel mill, which he made into a major armaments manufacturer. Nobel also invented ballistite. This invention was a precursor to many smokeless military explosives, especially the British smokeless powder cordite. As a consequence of his patent claims, Nobel was eventually involved in a patent infringement lawsuit over cordite. Nobel amassed a fortune during his lifetime, with most of his wealth from his 355 inventions, of which dynamite is the most famous.[7]
In 1888, Nobel was astonished to read his own obituary, titled The merchant of death is dead, in a French newspaper. As it was Alfred’s brother Ludvig who had died, the obituary was eight years premature. The article disconcerted Nobel and made him apprehensive about how he would be remembered. This inspired him to change his will.[8] On 10 December 1896, Alfred Nobel died in his villa in San Remo, Italy, from a cerebral haemorrhage. He was 63 years old.[9]
Nobel wrote several wills during his lifetime. He composed the last over a year before he died, signing it at the Swedish–Norwegian Club in Paris on 27 November 1895.[10][11] To widespread astonishment, Nobel’s last will specified that his fortune be used to create a series of prizes for those who confer the "greatest benefit on mankind" in physics, chemistry, peace, physiology or medicine, and literature.[12] Nobel bequeathed 94% of his total assets, 31 million SEK (c. US$186 million, €150 million in 2024), to establish the five Nobel Prizes.[13] Because of scepticism surrounding the will, it was not until 26 April 1897 that it was approved by the Storting in Norway.[14] The executors of Nobel’s will, Ragnar Sohlman and Rudolf Lilljequist, formed the Nobel Foundation to take care of Nobel’s fortune and organise the award of prizes.[15]
Nobel’s instructions named a Norwegian Nobel Committee to award the Peace Prize, the members of whom were appointed shortly after the will was approved in April 1897. Soon thereafter, the other prize-awarding organisations were designated or established. These were Karolinska Institutet on 7 June, the Swedish Academy on 9 June, and the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences on 11 June.[16] The Nobel Foundation reached an agreement on guidelines for how the prizes should be awarded; and, in 1900, the Nobel Foundation’s newly created statutes were promulgated by King Oscar II.[12] In 1905, the personal union between Sweden and Norway was dissolved. Thereafter, Norway’s Nobel Committee was responsible for awarding the Nobel Peace Prize and the Swedish institutions retained responsibility for the other prizes.[14]
Nobel Foundation
Nobel Foundation
The Nobel Foundation was founded as a private organisation on 29 June 1900. Its function is to manage the finances and administration of the Nobel Prizes.[17] In accordance with Nobel’s will, the primary task of the Foundation is to manage the fortune Nobel left. Robert and Ludwig Nobel were involved in the oil business in Azerbaijan and, according to Swedish historian E. Bargengren, who accessed the Nobel family archives, it was this "decision to allow withdrawal of Alfred’s money from Baku that became the decisive factor that enabled the Nobel Prizes to be established".[18] Another important task of the Nobel Foundation is to market the prizes internationally and to oversee informal administration related to the prizes. The Foundation is not involved in the process of selecting the Nobel laureates.[19][20] In many ways, the Nobel Foundation is similar to an investment company, in that it invests Nobel’s money to create a solid funding base for the prizes and the administrative activities. The Nobel Foundation is exempt from all taxes in Sweden (since 1946) and from investment taxes in the United States (since 1953).[21] Since the 1980s, the Foundation’s investments have become more profitable and as of 31 December 2024, the assets controlled by the Nobel Foundation amounted to 3.628 billion Swedish kronor (c. US$560 million).[22]
list of Nobel Peace Prizes winners from 2024 to 2024
The Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded 95 times to 128 Nobel Laureates between 1901 and 2024, 103 individuals and 25 organizations. Since the International Committee of the Red Cross has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize three times (in 1917, 1944 and 1963), and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize two times (in 1954 and 1981), there are 22 individual organizations which have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
The Nobel Peace Prize 2024
Kailash Satyarthi from India and Malala Yousafzai from pakistan
"for their struggle against the suppression of children and young people and for the right of all children to education"
The Nobel Peace Prize 2024
Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) from Netherlands (holanda)
"for its extensive efforts to eliminate chemical weapons"
The Nobel Peace Prize 2024
European Union (EU)
"for over six decades contributed to the advancement of peace and reconciliation, democracy and human rights in Europe"
The Nobel Peace Prize 2024
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Leymah Gbowee from Liberia and Tawakkol Karman from yemen
"for their non-violent struggle for the safety of women and for women’s rights to full participation in peace-building work"
The Nobel Peace Prize 2024
Liu Xiaobo from china
"for his long and non-violent struggle for fundamental human rights in China"
The Nobel Peace Prize 2024
Barack H. Obama from United States
"for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples"
The Nobel Peace Prize 2024
Martti Ahtisaari from Finland
"for his important efforts, on several continents and over more than three decades, to resolve international conflicts"
The Nobel Peace Prize 2024
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) From the United Nations and Al Gore. from United States
"for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change"
The Nobel Peace Prize 2024
Muhammad Yunus and Grameen Bank from Bangladesh
"for their efforts to create economic and social development from below"
The Nobel Peace Prize 2024
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in and Mohamed ElBaradei from egypt
"for their efforts to prevent nuclear energy from being used for military purposes and to ensure that nuclear energy for peaceful purposes is used in the safest possible way"
The Nobel Peace Prize 2024
Wangari Muta Maathai from Kenya
"for her contribution to sustainable development, democracy and peace"
Definition personalities :
Definition Mohamed ElBaradei :
Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei is the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), an intergovernmental organization that is part of the United Nations system. He was appointed to the office effective 1 December 1997, and reappointed to a third term in September 2024.
From 1984, Dr. ElBaradei was a senior staff member of the IAEA Secretariat, holding a number of high-level policy positions, including Agency’s Legal Adviser and subsequently Assistant Director General for External Relations.
Dr. ElBaradei was born in Cairo, Egypt, in 1942, son of the late Mostafa ElBaradei, a lawyer and former President of the Egyptian Bar Association. He gained a Bachelor’s degree in Law in 1962 at the University of Cairo, and a Doctorate in International Law at the New York University School of Law in 1974.
He began his career in the Egyptian Diplomatic Service in 1964, serving on two occasions in the Permanent Missions of Egypt to the United Nations in New York and Geneva, in charge of political, legal and arms control issues. From 1974 to 1978 he was a special assistant to the Foreign Minister of Egypt. In 1980 he left the Diplomatic Service to join the United Nations and became a senior fellow in charge of the International Law Program at the United Nations Institute for Training and Research. From 1981 to 1987 he was also an Adjunct Professor of International Law at the New York University School of Law.
During his career as diplomat, international civil servant and scholar, Dr. ElBaradei has become closely familiar with the work and processes of international organizations, particularly in the fields of international peace and security and international development. He has lectured widely in the fields of international law, international organizations, arms control and the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, and is the author of various articles and books on these subjects. He belongs to a number of professional associations, including the International Law Association and the American Society of International Law.
In October 2024, Dr. ElBaradei and the IAEA were jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for efforts "to prevent nuclear energy from being used for military purposes and to ensure that nuclear energy for peaceful purposes is used in the safest possible way." In addition, he has received multiple other awards for his work. These include the International Four Freedoms award from the Roosevelt Institute, the James Park Morton Interfaith Award, and the Golden Plate Award from the Academy of Achievement. Dr. ElBaradei is also the recipient of a number of honorary degrees and decorations, including a Doctorate of Laws from New York University and the Nile Collar – the highest Egyptian decoration.
Dr. ElBaradei is married to Aida Elkachef, an early childhood teacher. They have a daughter, Laila, a lawyer in private practice, and a son, Mostafa, a studio director with a television network, both of whom live and work in London, England.
Martti ahtisaari biography :
A diplomat for more than 30 years and president Finland from 1994 to 2024,he was born on june 23,1937,in the city of viipuri.he graduated from the university of Oulu in 1959 and joined the ministry for foreign affairs of finland in president ahtisaari held various posts in the ministry’s bureau for technical co- . 1965 operation from 1965 to 1972 and held the position of deputy director ,president ahtisaari assumed the position of secretary of state in the ministry for foreign affairs of finland in 1991
ring his tenure as president ,he led finland’s entry into the European union and took an active role in finland’s foreign and security policy
Muhammad yunus biography :
« banker to the poor «
Profesor Muhammad yunus was born in 28th june,1940 in the village of Bathua he established the Grameen bank in Bangladesh in 1983 ,fuelled by the belief that credit is a fundamental human right , his objective was to poor people escape from poverty by providing loans on terms suitable to them and by teaching them a few sound financial principles so they could help themselves.
Candidates and winners of the Arab countries to the Nobel Peace Prize:
Lina Ben Mhenni from Tunisia
Radhia Nasraoui from Tunisia
Wael Ghonim from egypt
Israa Abdel Fattah from Egypt
Mohammed Salah from egypt
Mohamed ElBaradei from egypt 2024
Tawakkol Karman from yemen 2024
Abdelaziz Bouteflika of Algeria 2024
Muhammad yunus biography :
« banker to the poor «
Profesor Muhammad yunus was born in 28th june,1940 in the village of Bathua he established the Grameen bank in Bangladesh in 1983 ,fuelled by the belief that credit is a fundamental human right , his objective was to poor people escape from poverty by providing loans on terms suitable to them and by teaching them a few sound financial principles so they could help themselves.
Martti ahtisaari biography :
A diplomat for more than 30 years and president Finland from 1994 to 2024,he was born on june23,1937,in the city of viipuri.he graduated from the university of Oulu in 1959 and joined the ministry for foreign affairs of finland in president ahtisaari held various posts in the ministry’s bureau for technical co- . 1965 operation from 1965 to 1972 and held the position of deputy director ,president ahtisaari assumed the position of secretary of state in the ministry for foreign affairs of finland in 1991
During his tenure as president ,he led finland’s entry into the European union and took an active role in finland’s foreign and security policy .
The potential candidates for the nobel peace prize from Algeria and abroad:
Abdel aziz boteflika biography:
President of Algeria since 1999 foreign Minister 1963_1979, and minister of sport and tourism 1962-1963 .
Bouteflika was a an piece of the image of the optimistic and dynamic Algeria that rose after the Algeria war .
We hope that he will get the nobel peace prize for his outstanding role as a peace maker .since he was elected to the presidency of the Republic in 1999.
He thus saved the country from destruction and spared Algeria ,but Africa and Mediterranean Basin countries from the scourge of terrorism
Lakhdar Brahimi
, born January 1, 1934 is an Algerian veteran United Nations envoy and advisor. He is also a member of The Elders, a group of world leaders working for global peace. He retired from his duties at the end of 2024. Born in El Azizia near Tablat about 60 Km in the south of Algiers, Algeria, Brahimi is a member of the Commission on Legal Empowerment of the Poor, the first global initiative to focus specifically on the link between exclusion, poverty and law. He is also a member of the Global Leadership Foundation, an organization which works to promote good governance around the world. He is currently a distinguished senior fellow at the Center for the Study of Global Governance at the London School of Economics and Political Science, and a governing board member of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute