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♥ دعوة لتجميع مواضيع الفصل الاول الخاصة والعامة♥

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الخاصة بك

ان استطعت
واي اختبار او فرض خاص بالفصل الاول

وكله من اجل تحضير جيد

ودمتم بالف خير


شكرا أخي واحد من الناس

أتمنى أن تجيبو على الموضوع
ولو اجابات سطحية

first term english exam

ENGLISH BAC PAPER (elaborated by Mr. Zaitri)
As the Greek historian Herodotus once said ‘Egypt of the gift of the Nile’, the Nile River was the ancient Egyptians’ best friend even it did flood every year. In the fall, the great river would overflow its banks. At first the Egyptians lost their crops their houses and in some cases their lives. However, the Egyptian people noticed after a time that the floods came about the same time every year, in June. Therefore, they planned: they would make sure nothing important was on the banks of the river when it was time for the flood
Then after the water level went back down, they would quickly plant new crops. The floods brought good fresh soil up onto the land .This soil was ideal for planting grains.
The river also gave them the chance to fish. The Egyptians would build boats out of the wood and sail up and down the river. They would use spears and nets to catch fish as well as birds that flew close to the surface of the water.
The Nile also provided protection from attack. People wanting to invade Egypt would have first to cross the river, which was very wide in places. The Egyptians could stand on their own side of the river and throw spears at their r attackers. Any attacker who did cross the river was likely to be tired from making the crossing.
Another important way that the Nile helped the ancient Egyptians was in trade. Goods went to and from the Egypt down an up the Nile, which had its mouth at the Mediterranean sea . [PERSONAL REFERENCE]

1. what is the text about ? a. history b. literature c. technology
2. The Ancient Egyptians took preventive actions to save their lives……
a. when they knew the danger of the floods caused by the Nile
b. after they had recognised that the floods came about the same time
c. as soon as the Nile did floods (tick the right answer)
3. Copy the title which you think is most appropriate:
a. Ancient Egyptian Civilisation
b. The Egyptians and the Nile
c. Fishing in the Nile
4. Mark the statements below as true, false or not mentioned:
a. The Nile was occasionally a danger to Ancient Egyptians
b. Floods happened three times a year
c. The floods ruined the Nile Valley lands
d. The average annual rainfall in the Nile region was about 755mm
e. In ancient Egypt, the Nile was a source of food and a defensive barrier
5. Answer the questions below according to the text:
a. What did the overflow of the Nile result in?
b. What did the Ancient Egyptians benefit from the Nile?
c. What did the Egyptians use the spears and nets for?
6. In which paragraph is it mentioned that ancient Egyptians took precautions to save their lives and face the floods of the Nile?
7. Find in the text words whose definitions follow/
a. the season of rainfall (&1) b. a large amount of water covering an area already dry(&2)
8. Find in the text words /phrases opposite in meaning to:
a. enemy(&1) b.won (&1) c. modern (&5)
1. Complete the following table:


To protect


2. Link each pair of sentences into one sentence using the conjunctions listed below:
because in order to but although not only…….but also such ……that
a. Ancient Egyptians sailed up and down the Nile. They would fish and catch birds
b. the Nile was sometimes dangerous. It enriched the soil and provided protection for the
the ancient Egyptians.
c. The river gave them a chance to hunt animals. The river provided protection from attack
d. The floods brought fresh soil onto the land. The land became fertile for planting grains
3. Ask questions that the underlined words answer
a. the Sumerians civilisation started some 4000 years ago
b. the ancient Egyptian civilisation flourished along the Nile Valley 5000 years ago
4. Fill in each gap with one word so that the text makes sense: (take notes from the text)
Man has depended a great deal upon the sea for centuries. It has been a source of …………for many nations. It was considered as a……………barrier against the raiding war bands as well as a means of transportation. It has played an ………….role in the spread of a lot of ……………..and the development of culture.
5. Arrange these words in the chart below according to the pronunciation of their final ‘ed’
explored believed integrated influenced circulated studied

Using the notes provided below write a short paragraph about Tutankhamun, an Egyptian Pharaoh:
– became a pharaoh at the age of nine
– died at the age of eighteen
– his tombs was discovered intact (undamaged)in the valleys of Kings by the British archaeologist Howard Carter in 1922 – decorated with wall paintings , filled with furniture statues and other objects
– mummy of Tutankhamun was placed inside three coffins

Finished Good luck

اتمنى ان تضعو اجاباتكم ولو سطحية

اتمنى ان تظعوا مواضيع في الفيزياء

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة narouma الجيريا
اتمنى ان تظعوا مواضيع في الفيزياء

من هنااااااا

بارك الله فيكم
في انتظار مواضيع اخرى

اختبار الثلاثي الاول في مادة الادب العربي

وطن النجوم

وطن النجوم أنا هنا * حدَق اتذكر من أنا ؟
ألمحت في الماضي البعيد * فتـــــى غزيراً أرعنا
جذلان يمرح في حقولك * كالنسيم مدندنا
يتسلق الأشجار لا* ضجراً يحس ولا ونى
ويعود بالأغصان يبريها* سيـــــوفاً أو قنا
انا ذلك الولد الذي * دنياه كانـــت هاهنا
أنا من مياهك قطرة * فاضت جداول من سنا
أنا من ترابك ذرة * ماجت مواكب من منى
أنا من طيورك بلبل * غنى بمجدك فاغتنى
حمل الطلاقة والبشا * شة من ربوعك للدنى

كم عانقت روحي رباك* وصفقت في المنحنى
لله سر فيك يا * لبنان لم يعلن لنا

ايليا ابو ماضي
المطلوب :
البناء الفكري : *12 ن*
1- بم يوحي عنوان القصيدة ؟
2- ما الذي دفع الشاعر الى نظمها ؟
على ما يدل توظيف عنصر الطبيعة في النص ؟
تنوعت عواطف الشاعر / فهل يمكن ان تبينها ؟ وضح مدى قوتها
5- لخص القصيدة
البناء اللغوي * 08 ن *
1- حدد النمط الغالب على النص ، و اهم خصائصه
2- ما دلالة تكرار ضمير المتكلم "انا" في الابيات ( 6 – 7 – 8 – 9 )
3- في البيتين ( 3 و 11 ) صورتان بيانيتان مختلفتان ، اشرحهما و بين اثرهما البلاغي
4- اعرب ما تحته خط اعرابا مفصلا
5- مانوع الاسلوب في البيت الاول ؟ وما غرضه البلاغي

ليديا ، شكرا جزيلا على الاختبار ، هلا وضعت الحل حالما تنجزونه من فضلك؟

العفو غاليتي ،،
باذن الله ، ساضع الاجابة النموذجية بعد ان نصحح الامتحان في الاسبوع القادم ان شاء الله
وفقك الله وفاء ..

ليديا هلى لنا بمواضيع اختباراتكم لحد الساعة

شكراا لكم بانتظار النقاش
ساضع مواضيعي

في انتظارك خديجة

مذابينا اليوم

سأحاول أن آتي لكم ببعض مواضيعنا لكن أمهلوني بعض الوقت لأنه ليس لدي سكانار

شكرا لكم ؟؟

لكن اين انتم

اترك تعليقاً

لن يتم نشر عنوان بريدك الإلكتروني. الحقول الإلزامية مشار إليها بـ *

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