السلام عليكم
كيفكم اليوم
انشاءالله طيبين
بليييييييييييييز انا احتاج فقرة عن الانترنت بالانجليزية تتكلم عن ايجابيات و سلبيات الانترنت
ستجدونها في الصفحة 19 لكتاب الادبيين
شكرا لكل من له نية في مساعدتي
بليييييييييز راني حايرة واش ندير
يا رب وفق و نجح هذا من اراد مساعدتي
و تقبل الله منا و منكم صالح الاعمال في هذه الايام المباركة
سلام عليكم اختي
nowadays ,the internet is considered as the most important invention due to several reasons.
to start with,internet is very useful because it helps us to communicate easily. what is more ? it is too much helpful for instance: if we are looking for somthing you need just to write it then everything becomes easy. in addition to that ,it makes the world very small .
however,it does not mean that it has only advantages,it has also drawbacks for example: if you use it too much ,then you will become addicted to it and it is harmful ; it also affects on the brain that’s why we should be aware.
to sum up ,science is a double-edged weapon so we must be attentive and careful.