تخطى إلى المحتوى

الي يعرف الانجليزية ولا داروو هد التطبيق ايساعدني 2024.

مرحباا ارجوكم ساعدوني في حل تمرين 5 ص 97 في الانجليزية انا بحاجة اليه وهو يقول ;
Imagine your are a journalist .wwrite a newspaper story perorting the accident represented in the picture belew.use the information in the table that follows d’ont forget quote wintnesses او علا حساب كيما فهمنا الاستاذ اكتبو مقال صحفي عن حادثة مرور باستعامل هذه الكلمات الي راهي مكتوبة
the picture shows:
a lorry
a car
a child
a ball
asharp bend
a school

causes of accidents
fast driving
careles driving
"e.g drive distracted dangerous overtaking …
machanical defects

feature og accidents :
collide eunpeople over/knock people down
people:get killed/injured/taken to hospital… او مشي شرط اي ديروهم كامل المهم قدر المستطاع باش ايجي كقال صحفي على حادثة مرور وشكرا

يا leila هادي الفقرة الي درناها حنا
returning home from school, i wittnessed a terribel accident.it happend when a lorry came out and knoked a little boy who was runing atter his ball when i asked who was to blame a witness said the careless driverwho was driving very fasf.unfortunately,the child was seriously injured and taken to hospital.

ùllllllllllllllllllllll$ppppppppppppppppppppppp$$$ $$$$$$pi$

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