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اختبار في اللغة الانجلزية التحضير للباكالوريا 2024.

A-Read the text carefully then answer the given questions.

Consumption in modern societies

Today, everywhere in the world, people have developed a new attitude towards the act of buying .The fact that markets are filled with all sorts of goods encourages everyone to engage in the purchase of a large variety of items .Some of these are essential either because they contribute for our biological survival like food and medicine or because they play an important part in protecting our mental balance like songs and books.
But next to such vital things we find numerous elements which we feel obliged to acquire although they do not have any determining role in our existence. It is in this case with fashion clothes, paintings, objects of decoration, specially designed furniture, jewels and make up products. We can also integrate in the same category the electronic devices that equip modern houses. The list still includes cameras, phone-mobiles, silver dishes, gold watches, sun –glasses, sport cars, pleasure boats and a multitude of the articles which we buy just because they are accessible in markets.
All these items do not add much to the basic needs of our species. Yet, all of us are eager to get them provided we have the means to do so. They are gradually incorporated in our life and form an important aspect of it. Initially, their production had no other aim than to provide a source of income for their creators .Now, they have brought an additional feature to our life –style and participate in shaping our personality to some extent .We are unable to abandon their use for the simple reason that such an attitude will expose us to severe criticism from our fellows who will think that we no longer belong to modernity and civilisation.
1- Choose the right answer from the given statements (1.5pt)
a) The text is ….
1-Narrative 2-Argumentative 3-expository
b) Nowadays, people consume more and more articles because …
1-of the rise of the amount of goods exposed in the market
2- of the decrease of the amount of goods exposed in the market .
3- of the bad quality of goods exposed in the market .
c) Accessible products in the markets means
1-Affordable 2-fiund at high prices 3-rarely found in markets.
2-Answer the given questions according to the text(2pts)
a/What encourages people to buy a lot of items?
b/What items do we consider as being vital in life?
3-In which paragraph is it mentioned that… (1pt)
“Since products are available in markets, people are able to buy them”
4- What or who do the underlined words refer to in the text.(1.5pt)
a/…………..some of these…….§1
b/…………..elements which……§2
c/…………because they…….§3.
5-Find words in the text that are closest in meaning to (1pts)
a- types b-take part

B-******** Study

1- Complete the following table (1.5pt)
To develop



2-Add appropriate affixes to get the negative meaning keeping the same root (2pts)
Fair ≠ use≠ relevant≠ able≠

3 -Combine the following statements to get complex sentences.(2pts)
A*/Products are available.
*People buy them. (If)

B-*Advertising is elementary in business.
*Advertising informs consumers about the products (because)

4-Fill in the gaps with: (a-an the –some) so that the text make sense(1pt)

………………..people say that ……………blind are unhappy, but I don’t agree with them . I just consider………………blind person as …………..lucky one.

10-Underline silent letters(1.5pts)


Choose ONE topic
Topic 1: Use the following notes to write a composition of about 100words
People say, “Honesty is the best policy”
Contrary to fact in our society
Few people care for moral values
Most think only about profit and material wealth
There certainly are remedies…..
Patriotism…./a sense of responsibility /work…..

Topic 2: Publicity gives important opportunities for companies to extend their activities.Do you agree with this point? Give your opinion

وانشاء الله الحصول على شهادة الباكالوريا للجميع.الجيريا


كرا يا أخي على الموضوع ………………………………………….. سلام


انشاء الله الحصول على شهادة الباكالوريا للجميع

بارك الله فيك

thanks for this well designed subject

thank you very much

thanks a lot


شكرا على الموضوع

جزاك الله الف الف الف خير وخير

اضراب شامل يحقق 90% في الطور الثانوي واكثر من 70% تشمل الطورين المتوسط والابتدائي ……والله حراااااااااام سيرتو حنا النهائي ( الباك) ومن بعد يقعدو يديرولنا في ساعة 3 دروس بلافهامة …….تلاميذ النهائي برك لازم تقراوووو في الدرا …ربي يخد فيهم الحق برك …….احلى تحية للمتواجدين هنا الجيرياالجيرياالجيريا

أين الأجوبة النموذجية؟
لابد من أجوبة
ليقيس القاريء مستواه الحقيقي

Thank you hamza

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