تخطى إلى المحتوى

كم تعزون علي تلاميذي و كم يعز علي مدونة الجيريا

السلام عليكم

تلاميذي الأعزاء

كم أنا سعيد و سعادتي لا توصف بتواجدي معكم ….كم تعزون علي و كم يعز علي مدونة الجيريا الذي عرفني بكم

رغم المسافات التي تفصلنا و رغم الحجب التي تحجبنا كأشخاص عن بعضنا البعض إلا أنني أشعر أنكم أقرب إلي من وجداني

كم تعزون علي و كم يعز علي فراقكم بالإعلان عن نتائج الإمتحان التي أدعو الله خالصا أن تنجحوا جميعكم بتفوق

لكن و هذا وعد مني أنني سأعود و ألتقيكم بعد ثلاث سنوات إن شاء الله مع التحضير لشهادة البكالوريا.

فقط أتمنى أن يسامحني كل من حدث و أسأت له عن غير قصد كما أتمنى أن لا تنسوني بصالح دعائكم

دمتم في رعاية المولى و حفظه

I want to thank you for
encouraging me and supporting everything I did.
You were there for me through the good times, bad times and the horrible times.
Without you, I wouldn’t be the person I am today.
I am not saying that just because you are my English teacher.
I am saying that because I truly mean it. ; I don’t say things just to please people. I tell the truth.
you were always there when I had a question
always willing to help when I needed you
always be honest and tell me when I messed up.
always encouraged me and told me keep up the good work
the person who had been there with me from day one was you
you are right there to help me, you helped me to grow and be the person i’m today
When I wanted to be lazy, you wouldn’t let me. When I wanted to quit, you kept me
going. Without you, I really don’t know what I would have done. you are more than my

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ♡♥ خولة ♥♡ الجيريا
I want to thank you for
encouraging me and supporting everything I did.
You were there for me through the good times, bad times and the horrible times.
Without you, I wouldn’t be the person I am today.
I am not saying that just because you are my English teacher.
I am saying that because I truly mean it. ; I don’t say things just to please people. I tell the truth.
you were always there when I had a question
always willing to help when I needed you
always be honest and tell me when I messed up.
always encouraged me and told me keep up the good work
the person who had been there with me from day one was you
you are right there to help me, you helped me to grow and be the person i’m today
When I wanted to be lazy, you wouldn’t let me. When I wanted to quit, you kept me
going. Without you, I really don’t know what I would have done. you are more than my
Thank you Khaoula,but I don’t suppose I did all this.Anyway,I’m very happy to hear that

from you.I’m very proud of you and very pleased to read such sweet words written by you

My best wishes,Khaoula

thank you teacher

This forum has changed my life and maybe better than before

Although I’m a student in the secondary school . However

I still remember the great moments of B.E.M

especialy during the correction when you hepled us a lot .

Thank you teacher for all you have done to help us

Sorry for mistakes

! Good night

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة { حديث الوجدان } الجيريا

This forum has changed my life and maybe better than before

Although I’m a student in the secondary school . However

I still remember the great moments of B.E.M

especialy during the correction when you hepled us a lot .

Thank you teacher for all you did to help us

Sorry for mistakes

! Good night

I’m also pleased to help a smart pupil as you

My regards to all of 1 AS pupils I mean your mates

Thank you

لِي عَودَة إلـى المَوْضُوووعْ بـ إذْنِ الله فهو يستحقّ الشرّد والشّكرْ


بارك الله فيك استاذ

لن استطيع صياغة ما يليق بكم خاصة الان مع صداع راسي ( تعب تعب تعب تعب .. لكن انتهى كل شيء و الحمد لله )

ساحاول ان اعود للموضوع بكلمات متواضعة

شكرا فلا سبيل لهذا غير هذه الكلمة

جزاك الله خيرا عنا

thank you for every thing sir and ALLAH bless you and your childern and ask god to help us الجيريا الجيريا

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